
Our Review Criteria Explained

review criteriaUnlike some websites we really do test every product before publishing a review. Our final review is based on this test, combined with a detailed review of the products ingredients/formulation techniques and feedback from our readers.

We provide an overall score and individual scores for the following categories

  • Cost
  • Nutritional Content
  • Fat Burning Ability
  • Hunger Blocker
  • Taste


In our experience you do get what you pay for up to a certain level of pricing, but we’ve found that many of the expensive shake’s we tried don’t offer anything extra than the mid-priced shakes (this is often due to them being sold through network or multi-level marketing programs).

The cheapest products usually contain inferior quality ingredients, a high proportion of artificial ingredients, poor quality formulation or cheaper extraction techniques which affects the nutritional balance of the final product.

Having said this some companies with poor quality premium priced shakes use glossy marketing and persuasive sales techniques to convince you that their shake is the best.

Nutritional Content

This is probably the most important element of the review and concerns not only the individual ingredients but also the formulation, extraction techniques and synergistic effects of the combinations of various nutrients.

We look for products that use the natural version of ingredients rather than the cheaper, but less effective synthetic versions. Whilst some artificial sweeteners and additives have been shown to be safe, we prefer companies that use only natural ingredients.

We also look at extraction techniques used by the manufactures. For example Whey Protein, as used in many of the shakes we review, can be extracted using a cold membrane method or by using extreme head or acids. Obviously acids and heat are the cheapest but also the most likely to destroy the nutritional balance, whereas the cold membrane method will produce an undenatured product.

Within the nutritional content element of the review we make an assessment as to the ability of the shake to block hunger and burn fat.

One worrying trend we see is for companies to make their shakes with very few calories, this makes it an incomplete meal and is a marketing exercise. You need a balanced source of complex carbohydrates to fuel your body throughout the day and a true meal replacement will have enough calories to provide your body with enough energy to sustain you until the next meal.


Some people don’t believe we should include taste as a factor in our reviews, however we know from experience that it is really important that a weight loss product tastes good so that you will be encouraged to consume it on a daily/regular basis.

Some companies provide a range of flavours and others provide a ‘base’ flavor which you can add to.

We know taste is subjective and so you should understand that other people may have different opinions.

Your Feedback

We always encourage feedback from our readers so if you’ve tried a meal replacement shake and want to share your story please leave a comment at the bottom of the relevant review or contact us.

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